Pinterest Addiction

I’m addicted to Pinterest, there I said it, though I’m actually wondering if there is anyone in the creative/craft world that isn’t at least a little bit enamored with the site.  I collect inspirational images, ideas for future projects, recipes that look amazing and things I find funny that I can go back to when I need something to laugh at.

I saw something on the site the other day that got my brain going….”stop pinning, start doing”.  Excellent advice for whoever put that out there.  That’s going to be my mantra (I even already made myself a little sign in my studio to remind me that while it’s great to look for inspiration eventually you really should do something with all of that inspiration.

So, my goal until the end of the year is to try at least one Pinterest project that I pinned a week, I will share the results (good and bad) with all of you.  I’m hoping that you can join me in my journey; I would sure love to hear from people that are doing the same thing.

Oh, and if you want to follow me on Pinterest you can find me at  If you are there as well leave me a comment here so I can follow your boards too!


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